Monday, June 30, 2014

Interest Rates Could Increase in 2015

There is a lot of speculation out there as to if the mortgage interest rates will increase in 2015.
Could, might, maybe and guess are all words that best describe the interest rate change.
I have found articles that predict they will increase around the Spring of 2015 to about 5%.
Here are some articles that state the interest rates COULD go up;


Wall Street Journal Online:


Then I have also ran across articles that state even if the Feds increase rates it will not affect mortgage interest rates. 
A link to that article is below.

New Radio am740 KTRH

Just like there are lots of different houses that fit different peoples needs there are many different options out there when it comes to financing.  The interest rate is only 1 component of the financial portion of the real estate transaction.  It is always best to consider your specific situation and discuss your many options with a real estate professional who is also knowledgeable when it comes to financing your new home purchase. Just like a puzzle it is important that you find the right fit for YOU!

No matter if the interest rates go up or not, my advice is always IF you are in the market and it makes sense for you to purchase a home it will always be wise to purchase sooner than later so that you can start realizing your tax benefits and start building equity.

As a real estate broker and former loan officer I can help you put the pieces of your new home puzzle together in a way that makes sense for you.  Give me a call at 317-694-9745